We customize each inquiry with a personalized proposal that will pop into your inbox within 24 hours of your Initial Inquiry. Each Quote is complimentary of a Phone Consultation to chat through our ideas and answer any questions you may have.

Once you secure your date with 30% deposit + signed contract your date is reserved for your event ONLY! We take on a limited amount of Full Service Weddings  each month in order to provide the best service to our clients and personally be onsite with you the day of you  event.  Once Booked we will send along the start of your Design Deck + BLOOM Inspiration Board. We will welcome you in-studio or over Zoom for your Final Design Meeting 3-4 Months prior to your event.

If you are a Photographer looking to add BLOOMS to your next shoot please send details + dates to janelle@bloomstudiofloral.com

Hi, I'm Janelle the Owner and Lead Designer of BLOOM Studio. I have spent the last 12 years + designing as a Freelance Designer in the Wedding Industry which has allowed me to design for hundreds of clients with different ranges of techniques and design aesthetics.  I love the one on one connection with each client which is why I only take one ONE Full Service Client per date! 

 Our motto is quality not quantity! I am here to be of service to you and will be at your wedding personally to see our designs through. We have a wonderful support staff that is the best in the business because we know behind every success business is a strong team. We also value our teams time with family during Minnesota's "nice" season! 

BLOOM Studio is truly a dream come true for me as a working mom of two growing boys I get the best of both worlds with BLOOM. I get to create and design while my boys watch and still be apart of their daily lives! We live right in town here in Waconia and you will often find me on foot about town so say hi if you see me!

 Our dates move quickly so reach out and lets start the planning process together!


"I must have flowers, always and always" -Claude Monet